Friday 10 June 2016

Welcome to the Doom Room


We are a group of gamers, painters, role-players, modellers and all round Hobbyists, and The DOOM ROOM is a place for us to share projects, guides and thoughts.

We have a wide range of gaming interests, from board games to computer games, from World War I to Warhammer 40,000. We are hobbyists with different levels of experience in the hobby world - some only a few years into their journey and others are the grizzled, scar-ridden sort you see sitting in the corner of a tavern telling tales of old.

Over time, we'll be posting updates to this blog about things we've bought and/or painted, fun stuff we've found on the internet, stuff that we've built, battles and RPG adventures that we've played, books that we've read and anything else we want to share.

Who we are -

Sero - The resident web-monkey, guy with the best camera and the knowledge of how to wield it. The one with the technical know-whats and the patience to deal with the rest of us. A hobbyist for the last 22 years collecting and painting miniatures that really tickle his fancy. He also heckles from the sidelines when we have our wargaming days. Severely lacks brew making skills.

LongBeard - LongBeard has been hobbying for about as long as hobby has been around, and is a font of knowledge on any model fantasy-related. He won't be posting directly on Doom Room but he'll be making regular appearances, like a benevolent hobby Godfather.

Nyx - cut her hobby teeth with Games Workshop and Forgeworld, and is now exploring outside of these. More of a painter than a gamer, her idea of hell is trying to write a decent army list. Give her a brush and a brew any day. Licks her brushes and isn't sorry.

Elvirith - Secretly a super competitive gamer, and a decent painter to boot. Has lived exclusively in the GW universe until a recent visit to Salute blew her tiny mind and a box of chibi minis sent her into rabid cuteness overdrive. Paints at the pace of a snail, games like an evil overlord.

Bubo - is the youngest hobbyist in our group and is only really just beginning to gain his nerdy stripes. Loves building literally anything and tears into new games with glee, but mention painting and he'll find he's suddenly busy elsewhere. Semi-professional brew maker.

PaintItBlue - our resident part-time hobbyist and nerd with training wheels. Prefers to build and paint rather than game but will try anything once. Taking his first baby steps into the hobby and is learning the basics. Average to good brew-making skills.

Mörkö - possesses the most magnificent beard of us all, which he sometimes uses to paint with. It also doubles as storage and transport for his minis. Probably the longest serving hobbyist of us all, definitely the most twisted.

GUEST  - These posts are by guest writers who wish to remain Anonymous for personal and professional reasons.

Thanks for stopping by.

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