Friday 10 June 2016

Hello from Nyx!

Hello Everyone, Nyx here. As nice as our introductory blurb is, I thought I’d set out my stall good and proper. I think it's important to give you a bit of background. As a hobbyist, I’m firmly in the painting camp most of the time. I loved playing Warhammer 8th edition, but I’m not much of a gamer and tend to buy new games for the models. I’m as vulnerable to big ideas and new shinies as the next addict, and that has led to the usual long list of unfinished projects and big backlog pile. I hate, and I mean HATE, building models. If I can palm this stage off on someone else, I will, especially resin. (The main victim here being Bubo) I can build perfectly well, but I simply don’t enjoy this stage. Ask me to kitbash something, and I will lose my head. But give me a built model and a brush and I'm happy!

My hobby journey began when my housemate gave up painting his Tau stealth suits, and handed one to me in the vague hope that I wouldn't make them look like a toddler had taken a giant paintbrush and daubed them with so much white paint they resembled the Michelin man. They didn't, but they didn't look great either. He was, however, convinced I was some sort of Painting God and gave me the full set to finish. I was hooked.

So began a hobby journey over the last three years that so far has mainly stayed within the lines laid down by Games Workshop and Forgeworld, but I’ve begun to branch out now. My first army was a Chaos Space Marine Nurgle army, chosen because Bubo and I bought Dark Vengeance. He saw the Chaos models and declared ‘NOPE’...Not that he ever ended up painting the Dark Angels, and I’m still a little bitter over that one. I learned to play 40K with this army. I also learned I hated playing 40K. It didn't stop me painting the models though.

My second army was a Vampire Counts army for Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition. It was with this army that I found my stride and really learnt to paint. Don't get me wrong, when I get this army out of its cases I cringe horribly. There's ‘interesting’ colour choices, thick paint, globby dry brushing, shaky edge highlighting and all the glorious beginner mistakes a newbie makes when they're learning to hold a brush. Not to mention absolutely none of the units rank up. But I LOVE this army. I loved this game system. I’m pretty sad now that Sigmar rules the day, but hey, it didn't half need a shake up I suppose.

Then, like most GW devotees, I discovered Forgeworld. I don't think I own a single piece of Forgeworld that's been fully painted as yet. When it comes to Forgeworld, I tend to suffer the Fear, mainly of building them. Hobby goals! I was lured in by Angry Ron and his Red Butchers, and I’m now in the process of building a World Eaters army. You’ll be seeing lots of posts about this, no doubt. Other current projects include Super Dungeon Explore and the challenge of painting a single hero before the next game we play, and a Tau army that's progressing nicely.

Abandoned projects (read: ‘I got bored and distracted by new shinies’) include Necrons, Flesh Tearers, Tomb Kings, Orcs and Goblins, Tyranids, and finishing off the original Vampire Counts army with Nagash and his Mortarchs. I will return to these someday. Future projects include a series of three models by Michael Kontraros from Indiegogo, the Mummy Queen, Werewolf Queen and Vampire Queen, and two Darkstar mini busts inspired by Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I've also bought an entire new Vampire Counts army to do it properly this time. In writing this, I've now realised I'm a little undead obsessed. Maybe it was all those Anne Rice novels growing up...

See you soon!

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