Monday 17 October 2016


Hey Guys

Bubo here...

I thought being new to writing a blog, and this being my very first post, I’d start by telling you a little about myself, how I got into the hobby and how I gained my nerd stripes. Well here we go!

Since I was a little kid I’ve been into all things sci-fi. I have explored multiple nerdy and geeky things, mainly table top games and graphic novels. But about three or four years ago, a friend introduced me to the worlds of Magic the Gathering and Warhammer!  Since then, it’s become a pretty big part of my life. The majority of my spare time is spent playing Magic with friends or war gaming in my local store. My projects have included a rather nasty Eldar army, Tyranids and my Horus Heresy Night Lords (but as none of these are yet finished, I look forward to keeping you all up to date with my progress). More recently, I’ve begun to explore even further, beyond Games Workshop into Forge World and other miniature companies (in particular I’ve been painting a lot of Super Dungeon Explore minis).

When the guys suggested writing a blog, I thought this would be an awesome way to keep up the momentum on my painting projects, so there. I’ve thrown down the gauntlet. It’s up to you guys to hold me to account for my lack of painted minis. But don’t worry, I won’t just bore you with my painting progress I’ll also be writing reviews on the latest tabletop games I’ve been playing and regaling you with tales from any RPG adventures I embark upon.

Thanks for reading.


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