Thursday 25 August 2016

A Journey Into the Old World

 As our lives get increasingly busier it's hard to make any time to work on our hobbies, but Myself and Longbeard set ourselves one evening a week to sit around the dining room table and crack on with what ever project we have while we watch a DVD box-set. During our last hobby night I was helping Longbeard build some Warhammer Empire kits for a 8th ed game that he was planning with Nyx and Elvirith. Being pretty happy to build any kit put in front of me I was contently clipping and gluing when Longbeard ask a question "So what army are you going to do for the 8th ed games then??" 

What army do I do?

As some one who doesn't really play and prefers the brush over the dice the answer should have be 'none' but it wasn't, I've not done Fantasy since 4/5th edition I had  Dwarf and Bretonnian Armies the latter was mainly the starter box stuff that was single pose but it was an army none the less, and they are long gone.  So the question remained what army do I do? Now I thought this is a chance to start an army from scratch a fresh start...... 

So here are the options open to me. 

Wood Elves, Dwarfs, Lizardmen, High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, Daemons of Chaos, Warriors of Chaos, The Empire, Vampire Counts, Ogre kingdoms, Tomb Kings, Orcs and Goblins ,Beastmen, Skaven, Bretonnian. To thin out the options for myself I can remove Bretonnians and Dwarves as I've done them before and Longbeard has a bit of an obsessions with the little blokes with hairy faces.

Now also to not step on any toes in the rest of the group Empire, Lizardmen, Undead, Elves and Daemons of Chaos are to be taken off the list. This gives me 4 armies to choose from.  Warriors of Chaos, Skaven, Ogre Kingdom and Orcs and Gobblins (at this point I will mention at I have an ongoing 40k Ork army so Greenskins are out.)

The final decision comes down in no small part to personal preference, I did a Skaven blood bowl team back in the day and hated them since just never jelled with me, great in the lore not a fan on the table and Ogres feel like the easy option as 24 models and you've hit 1000 points, so I going to stick my lot with the Warriors of Chaos, focusing on ranks of chaos Warriors, juggernauts, Cavalry and some big nasty bits to add flavour. I will do progress reports as and when i complete a unit.

Posted by Sero

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